Do you feel trapped in spiraling thoughts that make it difficult to focus at school, work, or home?
A Common Experience
Whether or not it seems like it, most people feel anxious at certain moments in their lives. You are not alone-- and yet, it is possible to retrain your mind to focus on things that are more fruitful and in accordance to your goals, instead of feeling stuck in old patterns.
Do Any of These Resonate With You or Your Loved One’s Experience?
Do you worry that your struggles or lack of confidence mean you are weak or losing control?
Is anxiety or doubt getting in the way of building deeper, more intimate connections with your partner or family and friends?
Have you experienced uncomfortable physical symptoms, such as profuse sweating, tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing or panic attacks?
At times, do you doubt yourself, question your capacity, and wonder if you have what it takes?
Are you worried you will be judged or that you aren’t as capable as others?
Do you believe that you owe your current position or relationship to luck or chance, rather than who you are or what you can do?
Do you have obsessive thoughts or compulsive behavior that may be interfering with your ability to stay focused and keep up with personal and professional obligations?
Do you wish you could understand why you feel anxious and foster a calmer, more peaceful lifestyle?
Are you concerned that you are putting on a front or a mask, and others might think you are a phony, and if/when they find out, things will fall apart?
Have you rushed to the emergency room, believing you were having a heart attack, only to be discharged with a recommendation to seek counseling?
Does your kid bite their nails or pick their skin?

Managing Anxiety
Experiencing anxiety is quite common in the modern world due to the demands of our fast paced lives, the skewed perception of reality product of social media, and stress. As odd as it may sound, it can even be helpful at times if we know how to manage it (just like every other emotion). For example, it can help us pay more attention while doing something completely new, or preparing for an important job interview, or presentation.
However, when a person’s biological fight or flight response to danger (aka: the sympathetic branch of their Autonomic Nervous System) becomes disregulated or sensitized, this natural response over-activates, and it can feel very uncomfortable. This strong activation can make the person experience intense anxiety or even panic attacks that feel like an acute health emergency.
The good news is that it is possible to teach our internal emotional alarm system to slow down and regulate. With the right tools, support, and frame of mind these situations can become opportunities for growth. As you identify what is triggering you, sharpen your awareness, and start implementing strategies and resources that can help you (or your loved one), you will feel a greater sense of control and ease.
Reach out to connect–together we will make a plan that fits your life and take steps to create a calmer, more balanced bodymind connection in your everyday life!